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(incomplete - a work in progress)
Westminster Theological Journal XXXVI:3 (Spring, 1974)
Journal of Christian Reconstruction II:2 (Winter, 1975-1976)
Presbyterian Guardian 46:2 (February, 1977)
Presbyterian Guardian 46:8 (September, 1977)
Presbyterian Guardian 47:3 (March, 1978)
The Banner of Truth issue 178 (July, 1978)
[written for Special Committee of Presbytery] 1984
The Biblical Worldview 4:10 (October, 1988)
(Atlanta, GA: American Vision Press, 1988) [ethical failure of critics]
The Biblical Worldview 4:12 (December, 1988) [shows O.T. Gentiles were obligated to God's law]
Antithesis I:2 (Mar/Apr, 1990)
AntithesisI:3 (May/June, 1990)
The Seventh Trumpet V:4 (Sept/Oct, 1990)
Antithesis I:6 (Nov/Dec, 1990)
Penpoint II:1 (March 1991)
(Irvine, CA: Southern California Center for Christian Studies, Feb, 1991) 25 pages
The Counsel of Chalcedon XIII:8 (Oct, 1991)
Penpoint Vol. II:5 (Sept, 1991)
The Counsel of Chalcedon XIII:8 (October, 1991)
Penpoint Vol. II:6 (Nov, 1991)
The Counsel of Chalcedon XIII:9 (Nov, 1991)
Contra Mundum (No. 2) [About theonomic ethics, civil government, etc]
Penpoint Vol. III:1 (Feb, 1992)
Counsel of Chalcedon XIV:5-6 (July-Aug, 1992) [Response to critiques of J.W. Robbins]
Penpoint Vol. IV:1 (Jan, 1993)
Penpoint Vol. IV:3 (Apr, 1993)
Christian Renewal Vol. XI:7 (June 14, 1993)
Penpoint Vol. IV:7 (Oct, 1993)
Penpoint Vol. IV:7 (Apr, 1993
The Counsel of Chalcedon Vol. XV:8 (Oct, 1993)
Penpoint Vol. IV:8 (Dec, 1993)
Calvinism Today Vol. IV:1 (Jan, 1994)
New Horizons April, 1994
Penpoint Vol. V:3 (April, 1994)
Christianity & Society Vol. 4:2 (April, 1994)
Penpoint Vol. V:4 (May, 1994)
(June, 1994)
Penpoint Vol. V:6 (July, 1994)
Penpoint Vol. V:6 (Aug, 1994)
New Horizons, Vol. 15:10 (Nov, 1994)
Penpoint VI:6 (June, 1995)
Penpoint VI:8 (Aug, 1995)
Penpoint VII:6 (July, 1996)