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TSK - The Nature and Future of Christ's Kingdom
TSO - Eschatology of Optimism
TSE - Does Christianity Have a Present Hope
TSP - Why Am I A Postmillennialist?
TSB3 - Confidence About the Future
TSO2 - Gospel Prosperity
TSD4 - Dispensationalism - Pastor Randy Booth
TSD5 - Dispensational Distortions - Ken Gentry
BSPB - Interpreting Revelation - Ken Gentry
BSR4 - The Divorce of Israel - Ken Gentry
TSP8 - Postmillennialism and Preterism - Ken Gentry
BSPB - Major Prophecies of the Bible - Ken Gentry
TSP6 - Postmillennial Eschatology - Ken Gentry
KG511 Introduction and Philosophy of History
KG512 Elements of Christianity
KG515 Psalmic Expectation/Prophetic Hype
KG516 O.T. Prophetic Hype/N.T. Kingdom
KG517 Kingdom Passages in the New Testament
KG519 World Redemption/Gradualism
KG520a Orthodoxy, Consummation, Coming
KG520b Orthodoxy, Consummation, Coming
KG525 Book of Revelation—part I
TSP9 - Savannah Prophecy Conference - Ken Gentry
KG563a Postmillennialism: O.T. Evidence; N.T. Evidence
KG563b Postmillennialism: O.T. Evidence; N.T. Evidence
KG564a Overview of Revelation; Great Tribulation: 1st Century Proof
KG564b Overview of Revelation; Great Tribulation: 1st Century Proof
KG565a The Great Tribulation: 1st Century Defense; Man of Sin
KG565b The Great Tribulation: 1st Century Defense; Man of Sin
TSP5 - Introduction to Postmillennial Eschatology - Ken Gentry
KG502 Summary of Millennial Positions
KG503 The Biblical Eschatology—part I
KG504 The Biblical Eschatology—part II
KG505 The Biblical Eschatology—part III
KG506 Olivet Discourse and Great Tribulation—part I
KG507 Olivet Discourse and Great Tribulation—part II
KG508 Survey of the Book of Revelation—part I