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(incomplete - a work in progress)

Synapse II (Westminster Seminary, Jan, 1972)

The Evangelical Quarterly XLV:2 (April-June, 1973)

Chalcedon Report No. 97 (Sept, 1973)

Westminster Theological Journal XXXVI:1 (Fall, 1973)

Presbyterian Guardian 43:4 (April, 1974)

Synapse III (Fall, 1974)

Journal of Christian Reconstruction I:2 (Winter, 1974)

Chalcedon Report No. 125 (Jan, 1976)

Journal of Christian Reconstruction III:2 (Winter, 1976-1977) [theological plausibility and historical heritage]

Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 20:4 (Dec, 1977) [Reprinted in Evangelicals and Inerrancy, ed. Ronald Youngblood (Nashville: Thomas nelson, 1984]

Inerrancy, ed. Norman Geisler (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1979)

(Covenant Community Church, July, 1981) [Evangelistic summary of Christian theology with extensive biblical proof texts]

The Reconstruction Report (Ashland, OH) 2:1 (Jan, 1982)

(prepared at Covenant Community Church, 1986) [Describes the Puritan Revolution and work of the Westminster Assembly]

(Irvine, CA: Covenant Community Church, Nov, 1987)

Antithesis I:1 (Jan/Feb, 1990)

Antithesis I:3 (May/June, 1990) [Dr. Bahnsen responds to critical letter about church government]

The Counsel of Chalcedon XIII:4 (June, 1991)

The Counsel of Chalcedon XIII:5 & 6 (July/Aug, 1991)

The Counsel of Chalcedon XIII:10 (Dec, 1991)

The Counsel of Chalcedon XIII: 11 (Jan, 1992)

The Counsel of Chalcedon XIII:12 (Feb, 1992)

The Presbyterian Witness VI:1 (Feb, 1992) [Re: Theological compromise, regulative principle, etc.]

Penpoint Vol. III:2 (Mar, 1992)