Individual Files

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GB171 Theonomic Thesis Presented to Dispensational Pluralists—part I

GB172 Theonomic Thesis Presented to Dispensational Pluralists—part II

GB173 Basic Christianity and the Law of God—part I

GB174 Basic Christianity and the Law of God—part II

GB254 Educational Polytheism (Christ vs. Secularism)

GB255 Christianity vs Secularism

GB316 Rule Out Rules

GB317 The Perfect Pattern (Matt. 5:13-20)

GB318 Not Conformed, But Transformed

GB319 The Divine Demand for Social Righteousness (Ps 2, Rom. 13)

GB320 Theonomy in Christian Ethics—Answer to the Critics—part I

GB321 Theonomy in Christian Ethics—Answer to the Critics—part II

GB322 Theonomic Ethics Explored—Analysis of Position

GB323 Theonomic Ethics Explored—Dialogue—part I

GB324 Theonomic Ethics Explored—Dialogue—part II

GB325 Theonomic Ethics Explored—Dialogue—part III

GB338 Political Evangelism

GB339 The Immutability of God’s Commandments

GB340a The Bahnsen/Feinberg Debate—The Place of O.T. Law in the Life of the N.T. Believer

GB340b The Bahnsen/Feinberg Debate - The Place of the OT Law in the Life of the NT Believer

GB341 Paul’s View of the Law

GB342 The Existentialist Ethic of Jean-Paul Sartre

GB343 Sartre’s Existentialism Examined

GB344 Can Utilitarian Ethics be Rescued From the Swine Trough?

GB345 Christian Presuppositional Ethics Defended

GB346 Separation of Church & State

GB419 Genuine Religion—James 1:22-27 (Concern for the Poor)

GB436 Political Vanity (July 4th)—Ps. 2

GB510 Slaughter of the Innocents (Abortion)—Ex. 21:12-25

GB511 Abortion is Only the Symptom—Rom. 3:9-24

GB661 Surrogate Motherhood

GB691 Whose Day Is It Anyway?—Mark 2:23-28

GB738 How Should the Sabbath Be Kept?—Isa. 58:13-14; Mark 2:23-28

GB747 Covenant With God: Christian Education—Deut. 6:1-9, Matt. 22:34-40

GB809 Helping the Poor Without Feeding the Beast—1 Tim.

GB912 Relationship of Law and Grace

GB913 War, A Spiritual Failure

GB914 Holy War, Just War

GB915 Interventionism

GB916 Pursuing the Pacifist’s Ideals

GB924 Radio Talk Show—War, Is It Ever Justified?

GB926 By What Standard? Orange County Round Table—re: Civil Law

GB928 Does God Punish and Reward in this Life?—part I [Radio]

GB929 Does God Punish and Reward in this Life?—part II [Radio]

GB993 God’s Law and Politics—part I

GB994 God’s Law and Politics—part II

GB1000 The Theonomic Political Option

GB1001 Radio Talk Show re: Aids, Politics, etc.—part I

GB1002 Radio Talk Show re: Aids, Politics, etc.—part II

GB1005 A Biblical Response to Operation Rescue

GB1048 Reconstruction: What It Is and A Short History

GB1098 Truths That Transform: Are People Born Homosexual? [Radio]

GB1099 Conference on Christianity &Politics—The Economy

GB1386 Political Activism

GB1461 God & Guns

GB1465 Homosexuality & the Church

GB1495 Natural Law, Human Rights & Crime

GB1779 What Makes For a Happy Society? (Prov. 11:10-11)

GB1809 Salt & Light

GB1810 O.T. Law & N.T. Lifestyle

GB1807 Lord of Life, Lovers of Death


GB355 The Fact of the Resurrection

GB356 The Power of the Resurrection

GB377 Word of God in the Life of the Believer—Our Lifeline to God; Indicator of our Response to God

GB378 Word of God in the Life of the Believer—Necessity of Inerrancy; Insufficiency of Innerancy

GB399 Say and Sing the Amen!—1Cor. 14:9-19

GB426 Lutheran Theology: Reformational But Not “Reformed”—Rom. 5:1-11

GB451 Postmillennialism—part I

GB452 Postmillennialism—part II

GB469 Who Do Men Say That I Am?—Matt. 16:13-17

GB513 Jesus Paid it All—Heb. 9:1-14

GB525a Liveline Radio KDPQ Interview—Postmillennialism—The Jewish Question—part I

GB525b Liveline Radio KDPQ Interview—Postmillennialism—The Jewish Question—part II

GB584 The Indispensability of Christ’s Resurrection—1 Cor. 15:12-19

GB619 Back to the Future

GB659 The Faith Once for All Delivered to the Saints—Jude 3

GB660 Distinctives of the Reformed Faith: Concept of Church Membership

GB664 Distinctives of the Reformed Faith: Invisible Church/ Visible Church and Its Marks

GB679 Mass Confusion—1 Corinthians 11:23-34

GB690 God in the Flesh—John 1:1-14

GB764 Mary’s Child, God’s Son—Isa. 7:14; Luke 1:31-35

GB784 Study of Angels

GB792 Systematic Theology—Introduction to Westminster Standards

GB851 God’s Kingdom—Rev. 11:15

GB852 Angels—Revelation

GB885 The Reformation—Rom. 1:1-17

GB905 Open Forum—Grass Valley, California—part I

GB906 Open Forum—Grass Valley, California—part II

GB922 History & Nature of Christian Reconstruction

GB923 Common Distinctives of ChristianReconstruction

GB988 Visible Success of the Kingdom Between the Two Advents

GB989 In What Ways is Christ’s Redemptive Kingdom to be Evident Today?

GB999 Covenant Discontinuity & Theonomy

GB1003 How Believers Often Misunderstand Christ’s Kingdom

GB1004 How Believers are Unnecessarily Defeatists

GB1023 God’s Unspeakable Gift—2 Cor. 9:15

GB1051 Behold Your God—Isa. 40

GB1079 Horse’s Bells—Zech. 14:16-21

GB1320 Open Forum—Phoenix—Questions and Answers—part I

GB1321 Open Forum—Phoenix—Questions and Answers—Part II

GB1361 Christ College Convocation—The Crisis in Hermeneutics

GB1427 God the Creator

GB1437 Principles of Sabbath Keeping

GB1494 The Centrality of the Cross

GB1496 Moments for Eternity

GB1498 God’s Endless Dominion

GB1499 Hope Against All Hope (Easter)

GB1806 The Gift of Faith

Church & Christian Living

GB382 The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail (Matt. 16)

GB384 God’s Good News—1 Cor. 15

GB385 Cleanliness, God’s Way—2 Kings 5:1-14

GB397 Closing the Circle (Gossip)—Matt. 18:15-35

GB398 Cooperation and Commitment in the Covenant Community—1 Cor. 12

GB404 The Year in Review 1982 (New Years)—Eph. 5:1-17

GB410 Election Day Sermon 1982—Rom. 13:1-10

GB414 The Christmas Story (Matt. 1:18-25; 2:1-12; Luke 2:1-20)

GB415 The First Christmas Carol (Christmas) (Luke 2:1-14)

GB416 The Hopes and Fears of All the Years (Christmas) (Matt. 1:18- 2:12)

GB417 Esau and Jacob—Gen. 25:27-34 (Perseverance & Preservation)

GB418 The Sin Worse Than Sodomy —Luke 10:1-16—(Ignoring God’s Word)

GB420 Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land (Lev. 25)

GB422 The Humiliation of the Christmas Story—Luke 2:1-20

GB423 The Glory of the Christmas Story—Luke 2:1-10

GB425 The Last Final Exam (Graduation)—Rev. 20:11-15

GB427 The Holiday Spirit (Thanksgiving)—Eph. 5:18-20

GB428 Special Names for Mary’s Baby—Matt. 1:18-25

GB429 A Costly Shower for Mary’s Baby—Matt. 2:1-12

GB430 Congregational New Year’s Resolutions—Rev. 2:1-7

GB431 Don’t Despise the Day of Small Beginnings—Zech. 4

GB435 A Living Savior (Easter)—John 20

GB450 A Blemished Bride (Faults in theChurch)—Eph. 5:22-33

GB453 The Theologically Weaker Brother—Rom. 15:1-7

GB454 God’s Providence (Thanksgiving)—Ps. 103-105

GB458 The Doctor’s Diagnosis—Matt. 9:9-13

GB459 The Shepherd’s Care—Luke 15:1-7

GB460 The High Priest’s Sacrifice—Heb. 9

GB461 The Father’s Love—John 3:16

GB462 God’s Fatherly Pity—Ps. 103

GB467 Our Guilty Silence—Acts 1:8

GB468 Overcoming our Guilty Silence—John 4

GB512 Love’s Response—The Minister- John 21

GB514 Gracious Water for Thirsty Rebels—Ex. 17:1-7; 1 Cor. 10:1-13

GB520 Conformed or Transformed?—Rom. 12:1-12

GB580 Repentance’s Requirements—Luke 3:1-14

GB585 The Joy of Salvation—Rom. 5:1-11

GB586 Membership Class 1&2—Marks of a Church/ Doctrinal Outlook

GB587 Membership Class 3&4—Government & Discipline/Sacraments & Service

GB588 A New King is Here—Ps. 2

GB589 The Ransom Has Been Paid—1 Tim. 2:1-6

GB590 Adopted as God’s Children—John 1:12-13

GB591 We Were Not Made to Die—Rom. 5:12-21

GB594 Statutes of Liberty—Ps. 119:41-49

GB608 Excommunication and Tough Love—1 Cor. 5

GB624 The Rarity of Gratitude (Thanksgiving)—Luke 17:11-19

GB625 The Perfecting of the Saints—Eph. 4:1-16

GB627 The Prince of Peace (Christmas)—Isa. 9

GB628 What’s So Troubling About Christmas?—Matt. 2:1-18

GB638 Jehovah’s Prophet Among Parrots—1 Kings 22

GB639 Three Truths About Trials—1 Cor. 10:13

GB640 The Dispensability of the Pastor—Eph. 4:1-16

GB648 Because He Lives—Rom. 8

GB655 Joint Heirs of Grace (Marriage)—1 Peter 3:1-7

GB671 Strength Through Disappointment—2 Corinthians 4:17-18

GB688 Thanksgiving Doxology—James 1:16-18

GB700 The Sure Growth of the Church—Matt. 16:13-19

GB706 Where is Your Name Written?—Rev. 3:1-6

GB710 The Head of the Church—Eph. 4:1-16

GB711 A Humiliated Savior—Matt. 21:1-11

GB739 The Church of the Open Door—Isa. 22:15-22; Rev. 3:7-13

GB777 A Godly Token (Tithe)—Mal. 3:7-12; Matt. 23:23-24

GB779 The Danger of Being Normal—Ps. 53; Rom. 3:9-23

GB799 Family Devotions—part I—Deut. 6:1-9

GB800 Family Devotions—part II

GB807 Precious Promises—Ps. 91; 1 Peter 5:6-11

GB816 Carefree Thanksgiving—Ex. 16:1-12; Col. 3:15-17

GB819 A House Divided & God and Politics [Book discussion]

GB824 Church Conduct—1 Tim. 1:1- 6:21

GB825 Church Leaders—Isa. 6:1-8; 1 Tim. 3:1-13

GB827 Church Finances (Tithe)—Mal. 3:7-12; 1 Tim. 6:6-10 & 17-19

GB831 God’s Smile Upon You (Aaronic Benediction) - Num. 6:22-27; 1 Peter 3:8-12

GB847 God Smitten—Ex. 17:1-7; 1 Cor. 10: 1-13

GB872 Jacob, Esau and The Birthright—Jacob—part I

GB873 Jacob, Esau and The Birthright—Esau—part II

GB930 Lurking in the Shadows of Mediocrity: Heb. 5:9—6:3

GB1006 God Comforts His People—Isa. 40:1-11; 1 Peter 2:21-25

GB1007 The Real Meaning of Christmas—Luke 2:1-20

GB1011 Personal Testimony to Youth Group—Midway Presbyterian Church

GB1184 Comprehensive Lordship of Christ—Rom. 10

GB1185 The Cry of the Abandoned—Matt. 27: 45-46

GB1248 Is the Religious Right Right?

GB1271 The New Political Regime—Ps. 2

GB1272 Protest Against Humanity—Rom. 3:9-20

GB1304a Radio Interviews:Work & Mission of SCCCS;

GB1304b Discussion of homosexuality

GB1305 Why the Liberty Bell Doesn’t Ring Today—Lev. 25:1-19 (Independence Day)

GB1345 Report on Moscow Project

GB1409 Christian Education as Covenant Faithfulness—Deut. 6:7

GB1416 God’s Impossible Mission—Dan. 2:31-45, 7:13-14; Matt. 13

GB1418 Congregational New Year’s Resolutions—Rev. 2:1-7

GB1419 How to Grow in Knowledge of Christ’s Word—John 8:31-32

GB1426 Crown Him With Many Crowns—Heb. 1:5-13

GB1756 The Most Needful Thing for a Church

GB1834 For To Me, To Live is Christ, and To Die is Gain (Phil. 1:21)

Individual files by Dr. Cornelius Van Til

VT127 Nicodemus Visits Jesus (John 3:1-2)

VT128 The Trial of Joshua, The High Priest (Zech. 3:1-10)

VT129 The Greeks and Our Relation to Them (Acts 17:16-34)

VT130 It Is Finished (John 19:19-30)

VT131 Christ Witnessed the Good Confession (Matt. 26:63-64)

VT132 Christ and Scripture: Its Necessity, Authority, Clarity and Sufficiency

VT133 Thomas Aquinas

VT134 The Bible

VT135 John’s Concern for the Church (Rev. 1:9-20)

VT136 Common Grace and Witness Bearing

VT137 The Christ of Revelation

VT138 Joshua the High Priest

VT139 Joshua’s Appeal for Covenantal Consciousness

VT140 Barth and Modern Theology

VT141 The “God is Dead” Theology

VT142 Practical Atheism

VT143 Covenant Consciousness (2 Cor. 3)

VT144 The Covenant of God and Rain (Jer. 5:1-13)

VT145 What I Believe and Why I Believe What I Believe—part I

VT146 What I Believe and Why I Believe What I Believe—part II

VT147 No Neutrality in Education

VT148 Pro Rege (for the King)

VT149 A Brand Plucked from the Fire

VT150 The Wisdom of This World

VT151 Be Ye Steadfast, Unmovable, Always Abounding (1 Cor. 15:58)

VT152 Christ's Resurrection Makes Us Steadfast, Unmovable (1 Cor. 15:58)

VT153 A Contrast (Ex. 19:1-14)

VT154 Point of Contact Between Christianity & Natural Man

VT155 Celebrating Christ's Victory (Rev. 4:1-11)

VT156 Job: God vs. Satan

VT157 New Evangelicalism

VT158 The Christian View of Education & Culture

VT159 Paul's Triumph in Christ (2 Cor. 2:14-17)

VT160 Christ Appears Lastly to John (Rev. 1:1)

VT161 The Application of Noah's Witness for Our Day

VT162 Paul's Pleas for Spiritual Discernment (2 Cor. 3:18)

VT163 The New Covenant In My Blood (Luke 22:20)

VT164 Christ's Final Victory Over Sin and Death (Rev. 4:1ff)

VT165 Berkouwer - part 1

VT166 Berkouwer - part 2